
The Fine Art of Receiving

Do you feel the Love? Do you feel the Joy? Do you feel the warmth and hugs of the Angels on your shoulder? Take a deep breath and relax. You are LOVED. Oh, so incredibly LOVED. Every human soul that arrives on this planet arrives with it's own personal entourage of Angels. Many times for purposes of the lessons we have chosen to learn, we hide this knowledge from ourselves. We hide the doorway that allows us to access their knowledge, their beauty and their laughter from our lives.

 They are our family and they have the utmost love and respect for us. If you have ever had a pet and known the unconditional love given to you by such a gentle soul, you have already experienced a small percentage of the total unconditional love that your Angels have for you. It is not that our pets love us because they do not see all of our "bad" qualities. The truth is they see all of us. Their All-Knowing souls take in every quality we have and love us regardless because they do not judge our humanness as we do. To them, all our qualities are important and necessary qualities, never to be judged.

 Our Angels wait with profound patience to be acknowledged. The joy they feel when you ponder their existence or acknowledge their presence is immense. While they are capable of immense LOVE, they relish the energy of loving exchange and are nourished by our sending Love to them. Most of us walking the Earth right now are members of the Angelic legions of Archangel Michael. I was first introduced to A. Michael during a channel by Ronna Herman at the Kryon Family Summer Reunion two summers ago. Up to that point I had read some channelings of His but it wasn't until sitting in the live channel that I understood the joy of being in the presence of this powerful entity. What I have come to understand is that each of us, yes, you reading these words and all that call themselves Lightworkers are part of this energy called Michael. Michael is not separate from us. He is US and WE are HIM. In our dream time, many of us travel to others and assist them at different levels just as they assist us. If you are ever in peril, call upon the energy of the Michael entity and you will know and feel in an instant, the powerful energy of LOVE as it wraps itself around you in the form of Angelic Wings. The Earth and all of her inhabitants are linked by this very powerful energy and it is always available to us to be called upon. The saying "Do not take God's name in vain" means to me, literally that you can never take God's name in vain for as soon as you take it, the assistance you have requested is available to you.

 Open your hearts and beings, dear Brothers and Sisters and feel the LOVE pour forth into you from the celestial and Angelic realms. Give your Guides and Angels permission to show you they are working in your life. That is their only task. To assist you in ANY way you ask them to. Take a small leap of faith and ask to be given something as a sign. Then watch for it, for you will not be disappointed. I have yet to hear of a person who has not received the sign they asked for. Then dare to ask for something a little more tangible, more physical. Keep it small at first. Allow yourself to get used to the energy of receiving these small gifts. The idea is not to try to make it impossible to receive the gift but to allow them to give it to you within the range of your belief system. If you ordered furniture but kept your gate closed, the delivery truck will never be able to get through. If you ask for a $1 bill for example be prepared to receive it from a friend lending you an extra dollar, finding it in jacket at the back of your closet or under you car seat. If you ask for $1000 dollars but do not believe you will receive it, then you have fulfilled your own belief as you have kept the gate closed.

 If you are trying to meet a partner or change jobs, allow yourself to receive small tokens around these desires first. Ask to have more people offer you a smile. Or request you be informed of or invited to social events where you might meet other fun people but not necessarily "The One". You might allow yourself to be notified of openings in the area of your job interest. Not so much for you to apply for them, but for you to know that they exist. You might ask to meet other people who have made similar job changes to yours. Allow your vibration to adapt to the new frequencies of that which you would like in your life. Your Angels can help bring those energies into your life and prepare you to receive them.

Prepare to be immensely LOVED, prepare to receive immense JOY and prepare to dance with your Angels.

Offered in Love and Light. Many Blessings...


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